Well, now that you know that I love to create things from the top of my head. Hee Hee! I decided that if I would be selected to have a booth at a craft fair, one of the things that I would love to have is a colorful banner.
LEI JOLIE would be in big and bold letters in different colored aloha print fabric.
First, I drew out the letters on a regular sheet of paper until I came up with a style that I liked. That took about 30 minutes.
Then I decided how large I wanted the letters. And drew them out and hung them outside, on the ceiling beam of my porch to see if I really liked it. Made a few changes.
a little windy |
My next move was to decide on the different color choices and arranging them to flow nicely. That took longer than figuring out the font. Once I made my choice, I colored the letters and hung them out for a final review before selecting fabric.
constant wind |
Fabric selection was the hardest and longest task. I needed the letter the flow and feel right next to each other. I actually cut out 3 letters that I didn't feel like they belong. So, off to the fabric store I went. Hunting for over an hour finding the right fabrics. And only purchasing 3/8 of a yard each, I sighed, thinking that this is crazy. Trying to be cautious about spending too much money on this project I decided to use an old stretch sparkly denim for the background and a green calico for the backing.
The second hardest task, of course, the sewing of the letters. I decided (just kick me) to hand sew the letters on. The problem was the denim proved to be really thick and I had a hard time getting the needle through the denim. Also, made the letters a little lumpy in some places. And, of course, I was too lazy to find my leather thimble. I had tender fingers for a couple of days. Sometime during the hand sewing process I decided that the next banner I make I will be fusing the letters on or use a different fabric for the background. I added tabs for hanging and machine embroidery around the edges. Which also didn't work well over the thicker areas of the banner. Also, I should have made it wider, next time. But, all in all, I love the look of the banner and it's still nice to use.
colors from the left; red, yellow, blue, purple, pink, orange, green and fuschia. |
Well, that's all for now.
Trying to complete a caftan style top for myself and maybe a dress for the CCH Annual Membership Meeting on October 1st (LOL). Didn't I say I love this kind of stress, which is not really stress because I thrive on creative stress. The other types of stress I could do without.
I also have to put together thank you packages for the volunteers for the event (I'm the volunteer coordinator and decoration coordinator), package a children's door prize or auction item, select greens for table decoration, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe I won't have time for the dress.